Frequently Requested Files to Share
1. PowerPoint: SAC Basics Training (updated Sept '21)
2. PDF: SAC Basics Training handout (updated Sept '21)
3. PDF: FL State Statutes that address SAC *great resource (updated August '22)
4. PDF: SAC Self-Evaluation Form *evaluate your SAC (updated Oct '21)
5. Word template: SAC Bylaws (updated Oct '21)
6. Word template: SAC Minutes *how to write, what to include etc. (updated Oct '21)
7. Word template: SAC Agenda
8. Word template:SAC Attendance Form *helps in quorums, replacement
9. Word template:School Improvement Funds Request Form
10. PDF: School Acronyms & Definitions
11. PDF: Roberts Rules of Order *last page is a 1-page chart
12. PDF: Research: District Policies regarding Elementary Students as SAC members
13. PDF: Research: Auditor General 2007 Reports on SAC membership, SI Funds, Gov't in Sunshine
14. PDF: Research: Auditor General 2007 & 2004 Reports on SAC, SI funds & A+ Rewards audit problems
15. PDF: Research: Auditor General re: School District Audit Report Synopsis - SAC compliance issues
Most of the files above are in PDF file format (recommend Acrobat Reader 8 or above)
Pinellas County Schools
2022-23 Pinellas
County School Student Calendar
Pinellas Schools SAC Operations Manual